Fifty Shades of Fitness
I always thought that if I found myself breathing heavy, flushed and there were ropes involved I would be in some sort of Fifty Shades of Grey scenario. Turns out that was not the case. Instead I was in my Fitness Revolution […]
Fitness Revolution
“I hope when I am gone, people will read my old blogs.” That was the thought running through my head as I laid on the scratchy turf trying to “plank” for thirty seconds. Nick, my trainer at Total Sports in Wixom yelled […]

Only Gains Since Last Loss ( Grief and Girdles)
It has been twenty pounds since anyone in our family has passed away. I know this for sure because recently I lost my dear Aunt Mary. She was my grandmother’s sister and one of the people I admired most in the world. […]
Fitness Training for the Exercise Impaired
Somewhere at the Total Sports Complex there is a personal trainer named Nick. I know this because he and I are supposed to meet tomorrow to begin my 10-week quest toward a new fit and fabulous Kim. The sad thing is that […]
Parallel Parking Is Stupid
I am so furious! Looks like I am going to have to use my emergency Xanax to teach Michael how to parallel park. Now you have been along for this crazy existence that I call my life and you know darn good and well […]
New Cellphone Law Has Me Laughing Read about the new bill here! Governor Snyder recently signed a law making it illegal for teens to talk on their cellphones while driving. While I’m all about teens paying attention to the road and not their phones I thought the “talking” part was […]

Exercise In Your Forties
I’m working on new posts filled with amazing accessories! Check back soon to see them!
Laundry Jenga
Every week we have the same laundry ritual at my house. Michael dumps his dirty laundry in the living room floor. Usually it is around 9 p.m when I have no chance of getting it done before bedtime. I survey the pile […]
Teens and Toilet Paper Rolls
I am searching for a scientific mind to perform a clinical study. I would like to know how much energy is required to change a toilet paper roll. This information is urgently needed so that I can decide what type of vitamins […]
I am a stalker. There I have admitted it. I am not proud of it but I felt as my readers you should know that I have gone ape shit crazy when it comes to knowing where my packages are at any […]