If You Give A Girl A Slurpee…
If you give a girl a Slurpee it will break your mothers heart. Last night I called my son and ask him if he wanted me to bring him dinner and a Slurpee on my way home. “I’m not home. I am […]

Laundry Contract
As my son bestowed six or more loads of laundry on me tonight I remembered that at one time we had a laundry contract. The great thing about being a mom blogger is that you can dig the proof of said laundry […]

Fly Naked And Stand Up For The Best Price
I love a bargain. I will bargain hunt for anything and I love the feeling I get when I think I have saved money. My theory is the money I saved buying one thing can be used to purchase something else. Not […]

Girl Scout Crack a.k.a Cookies
WARNING: We are being invaded by little green vest wearing sugar dealers. It’s that time of year when everywhere you turn there is a cute little freckled face girl with a big smile and a Girl Scout cookie order form. They are […]

Home Movie Flashbacks
Former presidents get their own museums, stars have their movies and athletes have their game footage. What do moms have? We have the Christmas videos. My kids and I watched old home movies over the holidays. It’s a favorite past time of […]

If It’s Not One Thing…It’s Your Mother!
I try to be a good daughter but some days I just don’t get the job done. I call my mother everyday. Please don’t be impressed. I do so because the two times I didn’t call her she fell and had to […]

Lunch Made With Love
If you ask anyone, especially my fiancee, they will tell you that my son Michael is spoiled. I prefer to think of him as well taken care of but the numbers are not in my favor. So far I am the only […]

Hell Has Frozen Over
Well people, check your weather app and if it doesn’t say hell has frozen over you better check again. I just signed up for a 5K. Yes, the person that gets irritated and winded when she has to walk from Macy’s to […]

Grasshopper On Board
“Please don’t exit the vehicle until it has come to a complete stop” are not words I thought I needed to say while driving with my daughter Ashley. I was very,very wrong. For a girl that takes days to clean her […]
After 35 years you think you know a person. Recently someone close to me betrayed me and I couldn’t have been more shocked. I thought we had the same value system. I was sure that when everyone had forsaken me she would be the […]