50 And My Nest Is Empty
A long, long time ago I envisioned what my life would be like when I got really old. You know, like 50. I could see myself sitting on the porch, sipping iced tea and clutching my pearls while my children gathered around […]

A.D.H.D Attention Deficit Housecleaning Disorder
I have diagnosed myself with ADHD: Attention Deficit Housecleaning Disorder. I have suffered from this affliction for years and it is beginning to take its toll. Symptoms of this disease include but are not limited to cleaning the junk drawer […]

Groaning At The Grocery
I am ashamed to admit it but when I grocery shop now I make my selections based on their weight and bulkiness. In the good ole days I could take a toddler, a large purse, a baby in a carrier and spend […]

Turning 50 -Half Way To 100
Let the countdown begin! In 23 days I will turn 50! I am facing it with the same attitude I had when I thought there was a squirrel in the attic. I am going to turn on some music and pretend it […]

Muffin Top: A Love Story Red Carpet Premiere
If you have ever dreamed of posing on the red carpet while the cameras flashed ,your dream is about to come true! On December 4 United Artists Theater of Commerce will be hosting the only Detroit premiere of Muffin Top: A Love […]
90 Days To Matrimony
Romance and red wine can get you in big trouble. On a recent weekend away my fiancée Brad and I were overcome with undying love and Sweet Bliss wine and the best idea we could come up with was to set […]
Are You Kidding Me? Is A Best Friend That Fits In Your Bag
When you are in the trenches of motherhood surrounded by kids, chaos and fluctuating hormones the most important thing to know is you aren’t the only one suffering. Misery loves company like a woman love shoes. Do you ever lie awake at night […]

High School Dances-Ten Things You Must Know
After eight years of chaperoning high school dances here are a few tidbits of knowledge I feel inclined to pass on. These observations are based on my personal experiences while manning the chaperone station. No names have been used in order to […]

Don’t Run Away It Gets Better—I Promise
Do you feel the child you are raising is never going to “grow up”? Do you fear they will be wondering around as a adult trying to get to work on time but unable to find their jacket? Do you envision a […]
You never forget when someone in your family makes their first run for public office. You envision your future in the White House and start coming up with cool Secret Service code names. I know this because when my daughter Ashley was […]