I have a dream
that one day I will ask my children to do something and they will take action and not attitude. I have a dream that I will be judged as a mother not by how many loads of laundry I have done or […]

The circle of my life
Some of you out of staters may not know this but in MI you can get your learner’s permit at 14 and 6 months. If Ashley could find her cell phone she could reveal to you via it’s count down function exactly […]

I shop by weight….
for my groceries now. I don’t remember grocery shopping being such an ordeal. I used to take both kids and shop and now just completing the task alone seems like too much. Lately I have noticed that I don’t want to buy […]

Ready, set, HIGH SCHOOL
Well, I can’t believe it but soon I will have a fifth grader and a freshman!! I feel so old. I remember when I was in high school and my parents and the parents of my friends were really OLD. I understand […]

The chicken rug
I have a new rug for my kitchen!!! I have been thinking about it for a while but my cleaning lady Dawn’s comment suggested I move it up on my list of things to do. When she was here last she said […]

I survived a car trip with
three generations and a dog. Not just any car trip but a two -day trip in 103 degree temperatures!! There has to be some type of prize out there for me somewhere. Highlights of the trip: 1: My daughter wants to drive […]

Jaw sugar
At the shower there was the cutest baby. He looked just like Michael – big head and no hair. He was so cute that I just had to hold him. I scooted next to the woman who appeared to be his grandmother […]

Monogrammed toilet paper
We all attended a bridal shower on Saturday for my second cousin and it was thrown in typical Southern style. Lots of good food, beautiful decor and lots of “how are ya’ll”! One of my favorite gifts the bride to be received […]

HOTTER than the hinges of hell!!!
Well, Ashley and I finally made our trip to Tennessee. It was a long trip (12 hours total ) and the most tramuatic part was saying good bye to the dog at Merle and Jackie’s house. He looked shocked and Ashley cried […]
maybe she is just entering High School. Either way my baby is missing and I would love to find her but like with the dingo I am afraid she is gone. She looks so mature and beautiful and smart and I wish […]