Abercrombie & Wench
Michael’s birthday is coming up on the 16th and as usual there is the after Christmas scramble for the perfect present. This year he had his eye set on a hooded fur lined sweatshirt from Abercrombie and Fitch. As I began looking […]

Steven Grant
I know , I know I haven’t blogged since December 10. All your heckling and snide remarks are noted. You’ll be happy to know that I am back in the groove and have many things this new year to blog. As soon […]

It’s beginning to feel alot like Christmas
Well, the musical is finally over and life at the Eller household is getting back to normal. As normal as it gets anyway. Christmas is approaching and I love this time of year. The accumulating debt, the freezing weather, the endless demands […]

Little Johnny
Steve , Michael and I took a trip to Bloomington, IN recently to attend the IU/Purdue football game. We had a great time and Michael got to rush the field after an exciting 27-24 victory. Needless to say all the students were […]

Cleaning for the cleaning lady!! HELP!!
Every four weeks I have two ladies that come to my house and clean. It is wonderful and I love it but it also stresses me out. I spend all day cleaning up for the cleaning ladies. Am I crazy? If you […]

No speak English???
Please, please , please could someone explain to me why the managers of fast food restaurants put people at the drive thru window that can not SPEAK ENGLISH? This is one of life’s greatest mysteries if you ask me. I don’t understand […]

West Side Story
Yesterday I spent the day at school helping out with the Walled Lake Centrals production of West Side Story. Some of the moms supplied dinner for the kids because rehearsal ran from 2 p.m. until 8 p.m.. We got to go in […]

Urgent information for you ladies!!!
I received an e-mail recently about everything you need to do if your wallet or purse is stolen. It has some really good information and it reminded me that as adults we all need to be prepared for emergencies. I think most […]
I just want to state right now for the record that I do not wish to live in a country where the president’s name is Huckabee. That is just wrong. I can’t even take that name seriously during the primaries much less […]