Home Alone The Grown Up Addition
Something really weird happened at my house last night. I was home alone. At first I wasn’t sure it was real so I walked around the house looking in all the rooms and getting verification. That my sound strange to you […]
30 Year Reunion
Today in the mail I received an invitation to my 30 year class reunion. Yes, you read that right! I have been out of high school for THIRTY YEARS!!! Holy crap! It is not possible that is has been 30 years since […]

Sammie Strikes Again
My grandmother is one of the sweetest ladies you will ever meet. She’s classy and smart and has worked hard all her life. Sometimes she looks so sweet and grandmother-like that you let your defenses down and that is when she “zings” […]

All Because Two People Fell In Love
This weekend my fiancee Brad and I completed his move into my home. We had been preparing for the transition for several months and thought we had covered all the bases. The first and most traumatic for me was to make room […]
Southern Mother Uncensored
Southern mothers have always been very “free” with their advice and opinions. You never have to wonder what my mother thinks about my outfit, my kids or my personal life. But lately she has felt the need to dole out her advice […]

Tupperware For Titties
http://www.jockey.com/Home/Bra Last weekend as I was browsing around the Jockey store I noticed a very cool display. There was pitcher of water and measuring taps and what looked like odd shaped Tupperware bowls on the table. A very perky woman was raving […]
Favorite Things For Summer
Word on the street is that it is supposed to be spring around here but the temperature is still dipping close to freezing at night. All this cold weather has left me nothing to do but shop online and drink wine. Lucky […]
Daycare and Diesel And…
…Things That Go Boom In The Night Spring has finally sprung and the time has come to open up the windows and let in some fresh air. The birds are chirping and you can hear lawn mowers off in the distance, unless […]
Massage Tension
It didn’t say anything in the brochure but I am assuming it is frowned upon when you fart during a massage. At least that was the assumption I was going on last night as I mastered the technique of clenching the lower […]
Y’all Miley Cyrus is bat shit crazy and so are her people. I find it hard to believe that her whole damn family as well as the people who wish to continue to make money off her image approved her “performance”. They […]