Category: Kim’s Crazy Blog

Snow Days
Snow days are beautiful things. There is just something lottery winning like about finding out you are free for the day. In fact they would be darn near perfect if I didn’t have to wake up and answer the phone at 4:41 […]

Parents with Plans?
Our three high schools in Walled Lake are presenting a special collage concert this weekend. Over 1,200 students from the band, orchestra and choir will perform at Northern High School. It will be beautiful and amazing and will bring down the house. […]

Mean Tank Girl
Yesterday I was in line at Kohl’s. When I say line I mean the kind that snakes back to the shoe department and if you are lucky you can hear the raspy voice of an exhausted cashier saying “I’ll take who’s next!”. […]

Give a little..get a lot!
‘Tis the season to be…you name it. Stressed, blessed, in debt, on the road , on your last nerve, overbooked, over worked, tired of baking and just plain overwhelmed. If you are like me, the holidays are the equivalent of getting a […]

Remember when everything was closed on Sunday?
Yesterday as I was driving to work I realized that all my normal stops were closed for the day. I usually get my salad for lunch at Wendy’s and my huge bargain dollar diet coke at McDonalds before I head in to […]

Don’t Stress Be Blessed
This holiday season I challenge each and every one of you to adopt the motto “Don’t be stressed, just feel blessed!”. We all get so worried about having the right tablecloth and the perfect turkey. I am just as guilty as the […]

Hungry Houdini goes to Kroger
Today I wrangled Michael into going to the grocery store with me. I find taking a teenager along is very beneficial when it comes to loading and unloading the groceries. If you wait until you get home to enlist their assistance it […]
Last night we celebrated Christmas early because we are traveling for the holidays. My children always have wish lists full of all kinds of electronics and media items. Every year it seems there is a new latest and greatest item that is […]