Miracle on Darlene Drive
A miracle occurred in our home this week. Not we didn’t find the image of Jesus in a potato chip or anything like that but it was quite impressive. My son Michael came into my bedroom and asked for a piece of […]

Miracle on Darlene Drive
A miracle occurred in our household this week. My son Michael came into my room and ask for a piece of paper.

Christmas Tree Woes
It is amazing to me that before the holidays my children could not be more filled with Christmas spirit. They are eager to make their gift list, bake cookies and even decorate the house. Every year we put up the tree and […]

Teen Momma Drama
One of my favorite shows is “Teen Mom” on MTV. I don’t quite know why I am so attracted to the drama but I have become hooked on the lives of these girls. There are so many times I want to just […]

Political Flip Flops
The word flip flop is often used in politics. Usually it is used to refer to a politician that has changed his point of view or his vote on a subject. Today flip flop is in the news in a different way. […]

New Look, New Year, New Life
My husband and I have been married for 21 years. We have decided not to be married for 22. I am sharing this news in my blog because for several years I have shared the good, the bad and the ugly of […]

Laughing Into The New Year!!!!!
I am so ready to change my calendar to 2011. This year has been rough for several reasons and for the first time in a long time I am looking forward to the new year. I haven’t made any resolutions because I […]
Yesterday I went to get my hair colored. It was long overdue and my children were starting to play count the gray hairs during dinner. They are so good to their mother. As i sat with the color penetrating my hair shafts […]