Miss Daisy and Hoke

Stay tuned for the adventures of Miss Daisy and Hoke. I am now a permanent passenger and Ashley is my driver. I think my right leg is still spasming from the imaginery brake and my arm is tired from holding. She got mad at me for grabbing the dash a few times and I told her that I could not control my self preservation responses so get over it. Michael wore his baseball batting helmet during the entire ride because he said you just can’t be too careful. I ‘ll keep you posted.


Hello! I'm a midlife maniac managing my mother, his mother, our kids, and one diva dog! During the day I am a Certified Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia Care Trainer, Certified Dementia Practioner, and a Certified Montessori Dementia Care Professional. In my spare time, I love to make funny TikTok videos (Kim Reynolds Media) and write and perform.


March 4, 2008 at 5:25 pm

Michael in a helmet. That’s funny stuff. Bet Ashley loved that. You are a brave soul. I may just turn Taylor loose and hope for the best.

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