Category: Kim’s Crazy Blog

Teenage Alzheimers
There is a serious issue out there that I think most of you with teens are dealing with and concerned about. It is the inability of a teenager to remember anything that is of any significance to an adult. My son Michael is a […]

Welcome Case!
We have a new baby in our family. Case Andrew Featherston was born yesterday to my cousins Adam and Karin. We couldn’t be happier for them and I welcome them to the world of sleepless nights and endless worry Thought I would […]

Does This Hair Style Go With My Glasses?
It’s official. I can’t read without my glasses. Things have gotten so bad that I spend most of my day with glasses perched on the top of my head. This has caused me to reevaluate my hair style. I am worried that […]

A House Divided
As most of you know I was recently divorced after 21 years of marriage. Now that the dust has settled and the ink is dry, I find my self with a half furnished home. This is not a dilemma that I have faced since […]

Toilet Training
On Thursday I visited Ashley at college. Yes, I am very aware that I just dropped her off so I don’t need any comments from anyone regarding my letting go issues. (That means you, Jim and Brad). Last month when our cleaning […]

Virgins With A 4.0 GPA
It seems every time I turn around someone is trying to convince me that my kids are growing up and are going to be corrupted by the world. I chose not to believe this. Don’t get me wrong I am well aware […]

Can’t You See I Am On The Phone!!!!!
Remember when phones were actually attached to the wall and you had the long cord that you could stretch from room to room? My mother had a favorite chair that she would sit in and talk to her sisters. Having five there […]

Convenience Fees
This summer I have purchased several different concert tickets from a variety of sites including Ticketmaster and Ticket Liquidator. Every time I do so they charge me a convenience fee of twenty-five dollars. Since when did me paying you an absurd amount […]

Milford Memories – MUST SEE!
Here is a review that Jim and I did for our He Said/She Said column. It wasn’t quite right for the digital E-zine but wanted to let you all know about this amazing store and this inspirational store owner. Enjoy. Inspiration can […]
A few days ago, my neighbor Tom Kowalski collapsed in his home and passed away. He was loved and respected by everyone he knew and the entire state of Michigan as well as the sporting world will miss him dearly. My memory […]