Divorce And The Bikini Wax
I had the privilege of attending the 2014 Erma Bombeck Writers Conference in April of this year. Please take a moment to enjoy my stand up routine from that event.
Mid-life Maniac: Champagne, Spanx and Mid-life Angst
I had the privilege of attending the 2014 Erma Bombeck Writers Conference in April of this year. Please take a moment to enjoy my stand up routine from that event.
I have got to stop marrying successful men. Want to know why? Because successful men get promoted and you find yourself cleaning out drawers and closets that you were sure you could leave for your kids to deal with after they pilfered […]
Today I thought about sticking a fork in my eye for pain relief. I assumed if I maimed myself my boss would be forced send me home from work. I really needed to be home under the covers with my emergency Xanax under […]
If it’s not one thing, it’s my mother. I think every daughter will agree, including my own. There’s just something about the mother-daughter relationship that is filled with raw honesty, undying love and just a smidge of judgment. From standing up straight […]
You never forget when someone in your family makes their first run for public office. You envision your future in the White House and start coming up with cool Secret Service code names. I know this because when my daughter Ashley was […]
A long, long time ago I envisioned what my life would be like when I got really old. You know, like 50. I could see myself sitting on the porch, sipping iced tea and clutching my pearls while my children gathered around […]
I have diagnosed myself with ADHD: Attention Deficit Housecleaning Disorder. I have suffered from this affliction for years and it is beginning to take its toll. Symptoms of this disease include but are not limited to cleaning the junk drawer […]