The Twelve Pound Purse
Last week when I was in the doctors office I decided just for fun to weigh my purse. It came in at a whopping twelve pounds.
Now if it was a baby that would be an acceptable weight but for a purse I felt a little embarrassed. I decided to put my purse on a diet.
The first thing I had to do was to decide what among the contents of the purse could go. Much easier I might say than done.
First there is the bulging wallet. Necessity. Among its contents are every receipt I have acquired in the last 90 days, a few credit cards, my drivers license and a very small amount of money.
Next comes the day planner that I haven’t written in since maybe March. If the road to hell is paved with good intentions my plans to keep up a planner would be discussed in route. I try but can’t replace the good old refrigerator calendar.
The next thing to be pulled out of my bag of