It’s all crashing around me….
Well in the last week I have dropped my cell phone in the toilet and crashed my computer. I haven’t felt so lost since Mike Tracey broke up with me in college. I just wander around and wonder what’s going on in […]

With one splash I am cut off from my little world.
Well it finally happened, I dropped my phnone in the toilet. I knew it was just a matter of time. I always have it in my pocket or clipped on my scrubs and I feared that one day I would hear the […]

And the grammy goes to …
Kim Eller, for automobile audio. That was my dream as I was driving to Chicago this past weekend. I was in the car alone for the first time in ages and was able to listen to all the songs on my ipod. […]

Well, well,well have seen it all..
Yesterday I am riding in the car and my friend Jennifer called to tell me that there was a man on Oprah that is pregnant. Needless to say this is hard to process at any speed but even more difficult at 60 […]

Surgery a success…
For those of you that don’t know I had surgery on Monday morning to repair a hernia. Sorry I haven’t blogged in a while but I have been busy working and getting ready to be out of commission for a couple of […]

Miss Daisy and Hoke
Stay tuned for the adventures of Miss Daisy and Hoke. I am now a permanent passenger and Ashley is my driver. I think my right leg is still spasming from the imaginery brake and my arm is tired from holding. She got […]

It’s official..I am the meanest mom in the world
For all you moms out there that think you are the meanest mom in the world you can step aside. According to Ashley I am now the title holder. There was no fanfare, no banner or crown, just a scowling look and […]

Turn on your car heater.
What is up with you people in Michigan? The weather has been extremely cold lately and I have made an observation. Y’all drive dressed like you are skiing down a slope!! I see people in big down coats with scarves and hats […]

The truth can hurt…just ask Ashley
Saturday night Ashley was invited to a party by a guy that is a junior. She went back and forth about whether or not to go and being the extrovert I am I encouraged her to attend. She spent the afternoon getting […]
Last night my friend Laurie sat and glued pipe cleaners on foam visors for me. I was on my very last nerve when I realized that these were needed for tomorrow’s pictures of the King and I at Glengary Elementary. I had […]