I just need a connection..
Recently I spent a week in Tennessee on our family farm with my grandmother. When I tell you that the technology capabilities there are not up to speed with the rest of the world I am being kind. First of all, she […]

Back to School
I love the back to school season. It is so full of possibilities and promise. New notebooks, clothes and plans to make this the best year ever. Every August I become energized with the thought that this year will be the year […]

An Affair to Remember
Every summer I fall in love with the library and a few months later we break up. It usually begins when Ashley needs books for summer reading and I get the bright idea to venture out to the library and save myself […]

Three Day Warning
Recently our air conditioner, washing machine and most importantly my daughters blow dryer decided to discontinue performing the service for which they were purchased. They gave no warning , no two week notice or any indication that they were unhappy with their […]

Rules for Aging (for Charlene)
Last night a friend of mine was complaining about turning 40. She had found a hair on her upper lip and was mortified. I didn’t want to be the one to inform her (but I did) that she was in the Karen […]

Discombobulated. That is the best word I can use to describe my summer. Everything we own is in the wrong spot. We own way too much stuff. It is amazing what you accumulate in seven years in a home and 20 years […]

No Tan Lines
To whom it may concern: Thank you so much for pointing out to me that I “need to get some sun”. In all of my 45 years I hadn’t noticed that my skin in perpetually pasty white.

He’s looking at me funny…
When Michael was three weeks old Ashley announced with much disgust “he’s looking at me funny!” and the sibling rivalry began. What I had pictured as a Norman Rockwell relationship became a battlefield of “I had it first” and “he’s touching me!”. […]

There is something so wrong with this story.
This week in Pennsylvania a mother was issued a citation for harassment. She was found guilty of cleaning her 26 year old sons bathroom with his toothbrush and then replacing it in the holder. The mother stated that the bathroom had not […]
Can someone please explain to me why it is so difficult to buy a bra? Maybe I am the problem. I dread bra shopping so much that by the time I go in search of new bras mine are pretty much down […]