It’s Not Magic, It’s MOM!!
Now that my children are teenagers we are well past the ages of believing in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny. All the baby teeth are gone so the Tooth Fairy is no longer an option. However there is still one mystical […]

Mediation, Meditation, Medication?
Next week I start the portion of the divorce process where we are appointed a mediator. This is a random person that knows neither of us that is going to help us come to an agreement on how we are going to […]

My New Favorite Mantra
My PURPOSE is to SERVEwhat I can, where I can. My BUSINESS is to INSPIRE& my PASSION is to CREATE. My LIFE is to SHAREwith those I LOVE & thosewho LOVE me. My DREAM is to make a difference & myREALITY is […]

Bristol Palins Memoirs
Somebody please help me understand why any editor would feel the need to publish the memoirs of Bristol Palin. I am so frustrated with her being given fame and fortune for having sex with her high school boyfriend and getting pregnant. I […]

A Fruit Loops Frenzy
Today was not a particularly fun day for me. I spent the morning in my lawyers office which is painful emotionally and financially. If you ever get divorced , try to get a Cliff Notes divorce. The shorter the version the better. […]

Leaving The Nest
On February 17 I will be doing something I have never done or even wanted to think about doing. I will be putting each of my children on different airplanes to different destinations ALONE! Well they won’t exactly be alone because Ashley […]

Jersey Shore
At first I admit I watched just to hang out with Michael and Zach. Now I am addicted to Jersey Shore. I am ashamed to admit it but I feel I must. They are the exact opposite of anyone I would want […]

On Sunday night Michael decided he was going to clean his room. I have only been asking him to clean his bedroom and unpack the boxes stacked against his walls since August. His room had to be packed and moved when we […]

A few days ago my friend Jim and I were scouting locations for our next review. We came across a restaurant with a small bar attached and decided to go in and check it out. Jim immediately takes out his camera and […]
Over the past five years I have come to realize that teenagers require a different set of communication rules. With everyone else in my life I have the ability to have a conversation. I say what I would like to say and […]