Y’all Don’t Be Mean To Paula Deen
I can’t believe how hateful and awful y’all are being to poor Paula Deen about her diabetes, or as we call it in the South, sugar. Folks are saying she deserved it for eating all that fattening food. Someone even accused her […]

Flying Is For The Birds
I hate to fly. It isn’t that I am afraid to fly it is just that I am not a good air traveler. When I fly it involves Dramamine, decongestants,special ear plugs and a great deal of patience on the part of my […]

Bungee Jumping
I have never quite understood the allure of bungee jumping. I am not sure what it would take to convince me to plunge upside down by a rubber band type apparatus tied to one of my legs but I am pretty sure it would […]

I Was Once Young…Wish You Had Known Me Then
To my children: I wish you could have known me when I was young. I think you would have liked me. Maybe you wouldn’t have rolled your eyes at me so often and thought I was weird. I used to have energy. […]

Body Pillow Breakup
I had a one night stand with my body pillow and now I am going to have to end our relationship. I am really not that kind of girl but it has to be done. Like most things I spent way too […]

Hallmark Ornament Addiction
I really need 24 hour supervision this time of year. I have just been informed that my status as a Hallmark preferred customer has been upgraded to Platinum, which is a pretty way to say I have spent a boat load of […]

Twas two weeks after Christmas and all through the house,Not a creature was stirring not even a mouse. The stockings still hung by the chimney with care,even though St. Nick had all ready been there. Teenagers were nestled all snug in their […]

Love The Magic, Not The Mess
The stocking still hung by the chimney with care, even though St. Nick had all ready been there. Why hasn’t anyone ever written a poem about the after Christmas chaos? Where are the carols to motivate me to put away all the […]

Christmas Wrapping Memo
Date: December 24, 2011 To: All Those Receiving Gifts From Me From: Me In accordance with the busy holiday season, I attempted to begin my shopping and wrapping quite early this year. I was scouring the stores in October and was quite […]
Several months ago I scheduled a cruise to the South Caribbean. At the time my mind was filled with visions of being a few sizes smaller and having muscular toned arms. I could just see myself on the beach looking amazing […]