Twas two weeks after Christmas and all through the house,
Not a creature was stirring not even a mouse.

The stockings still hung by the chimney with care,
even though St. Nick had all ready been there.

Teenagers were nestled all snug in their beds,
with visions of Ipods danced in their head.
Me in my sweatpants and old baseball cap
just wanted to hide out and take a quick nap.

When in the corner of my eye the tree it still glittered
and the mantle still sparkled while time I still frittered.

The totes red and green were stacked high and tall,
and empty presents boxes were scattered all down the hall.

Crumpled tissue paper and torn tattered tags,
were still lingering on the carpet instead of in a trash bag.

Leftover stuffing and dried out ham and turkey
was so old and outdated they could be made into jerky

The cookies were crumbled and strewn round the counter


Hello! I'm a midlife maniac managing my mother, his mother, our kids, and one diva dog! During the day I am a Certified Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia Care Trainer, Certified Dementia Practioner, and a Certified Montessori Dementia Care Professional. In my spare time, I love to make funny TikTok videos (Kim Reynolds Media) and write and perform.