Category: Kim’s Crazy Blog

New Look, New Year, New Life
My husband and I have been married for 21 years. We have decided not to be married for 22. I am sharing this news in my blog because for several years I have shared the good, the bad and the ugly of […]

Laughing Into The New Year!!!!!
I am so ready to change my calendar to 2011. This year has been rough for several reasons and for the first time in a long time I am looking forward to the new year. I haven’t made any resolutions because I […]

I have become very intrigued by the gentleman being charged with a felony for reading his wifes emails. Apparently he suspected her of having an affair and wanted to confirm it. The first logical place to look in this day and age […]

Potato chip pinata
Just when you think your children have reached a certain level of maturity the cold hard reality of sibling rivalry rears its ugly head. At one point during our 12 hour trip to Tennessee Ashley asked Michael to pass her a bag […]

Welcome to the Land of Christmas Card Lazy
I am so excited. I have finally converted my friends Jane and Jennifer over to the dark side of Christmas cards. Every year I receive amazing homemade cards from these two over achievers. They are so pretty that you don’t dare throw […]

Homemade No More…Yippee!!!
I am so excited. I have finally converted my friends Jane and Jennifer over to the dark side of Christmas cards. Every year I receive amazing homemade cards from these two over achievers. They are so pretty that you don’t dare throw […]

Dieting Away My D’s
Lucky me!! Due to the recent stresses of my life I have been able to lose about 15 pounds. That’s the good news. The bad news is I have lost it all in my butt and boobs. This is so not fair. […]
The word flip flop is often used in politics. Usually it is used to refer to a politician that has changed his point of view or his vote on a subject. Today flip flop is in the news in a different way. […]