Taylor bug
Any one who knows me knows that Taylor Elizabeth is my six year old niece. Steve says she is the only thing (traveling to her birth) that has ever gotten me out of bed before six a.m.. That’s just how much she means to me. I spent the past weekend with her and all I can say is “Good luck Susan(her mom)”. I have never met a smarter or wittier child in my life. She is very dramatic and when I told her to “Save the drama for your mama” she immediately came back with “Well, you can save the attitude for Ashley.” This is what Susan is up against and I am grateful that she is up to the task. You see I had smart and witty toddlers myself and let me tell you stupid kids are much easier to raise, at least until they need to find employement. I have known people with really dumb kids (nobody I hang out with now so don’t call me..) and they are a piece of cake. You just plant them in front of a movie and there you go. Smart kids are harder and all the qualities that I see in my kids and Taylor that make them seem so impossible at times are exactly the qualities that will make them into awesome adults. Headstrong, curious , full of energy, witty are all great things to be as adults but not some much fun for adults to try to control in their child. So to Susan I say if you can make it 12 more years without killing her you are going to have one amazing daughter and I will have one amazing niece. My wish for Taylor is that one day she will have a daughter just like her.
The part about not killing her may be difficult. haha. She is such a sweet loving child too and I feel lucky to be her mom. The witty part is cute to everyone but me most of the time. haha