For a few minutes this weekend I thought I had my little boy back. When I asked him what he was doing he said “watching the Lion King” or so I thought. I was so excited! I love the Lion King and I could just see us snuggled up watching it together.
I prepared a lunch and carried it downstairs ready to spend some time with my son and see Simba and the gang.
As I descended the stairs to the basement I was in for a big surprise. There was no Lion King with happy music and quirky characters, just the Lions game. Big difference.
I said ” I thought you were watching the Lion King?” and he looked at me like I had three heads.Had I wanted to spend time with him so badly that I was hearing things?
That is when I realized that my bitty baby wasn’t coming back. There would be no more Disney snuggle fests. He was fast becoming a grown up guy and Sunday afternoons were going to be about sports and not movies with mom.
I stayed down stairs and watched the Lions and had lunch. He looked at basketball shoes online and when he picked out a pair I promptly pulled out my credit card and purchased them. We might not have Simba but we would always have shopping. Some things will never change.