Having suffered such a great loss recently I decided to remind myself of some of the things I have to be thankful for…

My health..

I need to lose weight and have allergies but other than that I am doing ok.

My family

I have a husband that is cute, works hard, cuts grass , fills my car up every Sunday and coaches my son’s basketball team. If you asked most of the single women out there if that would meet their requirements for a mate most would say “heck yea”.


Both my kids are beautiful and smart. But more importantly they are kind and caring people. They show compassion , they are interested in what’s happening in the world and they still want to hang out with me. I couldn’t ask for anything more.


I have lots of extended family that I love and that love me. They are not close geographically but we are still all really “close” in our hearts and on our phones,.


I have the sweetest dog in the world and he has sustained me during some tough times.


I love my job. I don’t always like the way the job goes but Ilove getting to “heal the sick” and help people everyday,


Hello! I'm a midlife maniac managing my mother, his mother, our kids, and one diva dog! During the day I am a Certified Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia Care Trainer, Certified Dementia Practioner, and a Certified Montessori Dementia Care Professional. In my spare time, I love to make funny TikTok videos (Kim Reynolds Media) and write and perform.


March 6, 2009 at 11:32 pm

And some of the prettiest friends I have ever seen 🙂

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