Month: August 2011
The Twelve Pound Purse
Last week when I was in the doctors office I decided just for fun to weigh my purse. It came in at a whopping twelve pounds. Now if it was a baby that would be an acceptable weight but for a purse […]
Countdowns and Meltdowns….
My daughter leaves for college in five days. Five days. She is counting down the days until she is able to enjoy the sweet taste of freedom and I am counting my emergency Xanax to see how long before I completely fall apart. […]
Shoes By The Back Door
Every day when I come home from work I glance around to see how many extra kids I have. I can quickly assess the situation by the number of shoes by the back door that don’t belong to anyone in our household. […]
Here is a review that Jim and I did for our He Said/She Said column. It wasn’t quite right for the digital E-zine but wanted to let you all know about this amazing store and this inspirational store owner. Enjoy. Inspiration can […]