The Art Of Doing Nothing
There are certain talents that each of us are blessed with. Some take lots of practice to perfect and some just come naturally. My friend Tara and I discovered one of our natural talents twelve years ago while on a girls weekend. […]

Dooms Day Prepper Quiz Results
It’s official. I took the Doom’s Day Prepper quiz and if a catastrophic event occurs my survival time is approximately 0-1 week. I think they were being very generous. I was recently alerted to the fact that I might be the slightest bit unprepared when […]

Casserole From Hell
Last year was my first time joining the Reynolds family for Thanksgiving. Wanting to impress and make something yummy above and beyond what was requested I searched for a new recipe. One of my friends from work said she had just the […]

Seat Filler For My Son’s Social Life
There is nothing sadder than realizing that you have gone from the woman your son declared, when he was four, the only woman he wanted to marry, to a seat holder for his social life. I am now like the sad little […]

Christmas In My Dreams
See this lady? This is the picture I have in my head when I envision myself at the holidays I am dressed in an adorable outfit carrying a Starbucks cup and a small purse. As I stroll casually through the mall I stop […]

Vote Like You Are In The Fourth Grade
When my daughter, Ashley was in fourth grade she made her first run for office. She had decided to run against Christian Meyer for class student council representative. It was a very big deal in our household. She spent all week writing […]

I Don’t Trust Morning People….
Rising and shining have never been my strong suit. On the occasion that I do have to rise early, I don’t shine until about 10 a.m. That is the earliest I can shine. No amount of caffeine will make me shine earlier. […]

Surprise In The Bedroom
First of all, for all you people that clicked on this link thinking it was some kinky story from a divorced woman….shame on you. Michael’s friends read this blog (Hi Maggie) Grab the rosary and say ten Hail Mary’s. But not to disappoint there […]

Dear Teenagers:
Dear Teenagers: Being a parent is complicated. You won’t fully understand the level of insanity that comes with it until you have your own kids but I thought I would give you a little preview. First of all we are very sorry […]
Sunday night at 10:30 is my least favorite time of the week. As any mother knows that is crisis time and no amount of planning or prayer will save you. Late Sunday night is always when your kids have a paper due […]