I love PJ’s
- Kim's Crazy Blog
because I fear I would attempt to use it. If you had told me that I would be falling in love with babies at this point in my life I would have told you that you were certifiably insane. I have long […]
Tonight we attended Michael’s curriculum night at Walnut Creek Middle School. It was the typical introduction of teachers, course descriptions and classroom guidelines. I love that they have these so you can put a face with a name and you know exactly […]
Last night on the news there was a story about a nineteen year old “kid” that burglarized a home. Now if you watch the Detroit news you know that murder usually makes the headlines not burglary. This was no run of the […]
Yesterday at work co-worker commented that she this was the first time she had ever seen gray in my hair..I laughed and told her it was because I was working so much that I didn’t have time to get my hair done. […]
I spent this week in Tennessee with my kids, my brother and his daughter at my grandmother’s house. There are so many stories that I almost couldn’t decide which one to tell you first but thought the one where I was near […]
For the past couple of weeks our beloved dog Hoosier has been stalking something in our backyard. It is obviously something nocturnal since he only barks between 3:30 and 5:00 a.m. No matter how fast I leap out of bed and run […]
Yesterday Ashley and I went to see Julie and Julia. Great movie. Loved it. Almost didn’t make it in time. And here is why: There was a very sweet old lady in line in front of us. She had apparently been so […]
now but that was not always the case. When the kids were little my friend Tara and I would count down the days until school was out….to see how many more days of freedom we had left. We would make glorious plans […]
make me angry. Apparently my previous blog offended some people. For those of you that know me you know that I am a physical therapist assistant and have devoted the last fifteen years of my life to rehabilitating folks with all manners […]