Following your passion
Being surrounded by high school seniors I hear a lot of kids complaining that their parents don’t support them in finding their passion and following their dreams.. Most parents are more concerned with their child’s ability to make a living than their […]

Have we been robbed?
Yesterday I pulled a mean trick on my kids. I hung up all their jackets and hoodies (for those of you over the age of 18, hoodies are hooded sweatshirts) and put their shoes in the closet. I know meanest mom ever […]

I am tired of sharing…
I am sick and tired of sharing a computer with two teenagers. I know we are all supposed to play nice and take turns but sometimes that just stinks. It is currently 10 p.m. and I am sitting down at the computer […]

Is the home phone obsolete?
My husband has been after me for some time now to give up our home phone and just use our cell phones. I have mixed feelings about the prospect. I understand that the savings per month would be nice but I don’t […]

Is this really necessary?
My friend Jennifer and I have coined a new phrase to describe our day to day life. Is this really necessary? From Daisy Scouts to driving carpool it just all seems exhausting at times. Are all these things we do for our […]

It is the beginning of October and I just realized that I did not go to one garage sale this summer. Has my life gotten so busy that I no longer have time to stop and look at other people’s junk and […]

I Miss the Charlie Brown Tradition
When I was growing up there were a few nights when our world came to a grinding halt. Those nights were reserved for the Charlie Brown specials. The commercials would start about a month before the actual event and we would mark […]

Fast Forward Time
It’s that time of the year again. The leaves are changing colors, pumpkins adorn the porches and the smell of cider and donuts fill the air. You know what that means? In what will feel like two weeks it will be Christmas. […]

Baby has had some Botox!!
The new season of Dancing With The Stars began Monday and it offered something for everyone in my household.
Tomorrow I am going to bravely put my face and fate in the hands of my friend Kathy. She is going to finally shoot my head shot for the Oakland Press to put along side my blog and for me to put […]