Kim Kardashian The Quitter
I am appalled that after 10 weeks of marriage that Kim Kardashian has filed for divorce. Give me a break! I could stay married to just about anyone longer than that. How do you have irreconcilable differences after such a short amount of […]

My son and I have been having a discussion on what age is too old to be trick or treating. I have a few suggestions for him. If you are able to legally drive around the neighborhood, you should probably stop walking […]

Too Tired for School
Tonight I made a trip to Eastern Michigan University with my friend Jennifer. She is contemplating going back to school to get her teaching certification. I am really excited for her and really proud of her motivation to make a change. Go Jennifer! With […]

The Lion King VS The Lion’s Game
For a few minutes this weekend I thought I had my little boy back. When I asked him what he was doing he said “watching the Lion King” or so I thought. I was so excited! I love the Lion King and […]

Bed Battle Winner
Just to let you know…..Hoosier totally won the battle of the queen size bed. I tried the pillow fort idea to keep him on his side of the bed but when I woke up around 2 a.m. he had rooted his way […]

The Beagle And The Bed Battle
I have a seven year old beagle named Hoosier that can do magic. He can make his 28 pound body take up 80% of a queen size bed. Every night we start out with him at the bottom of the bed and […]

Is This Supposed To Be Relaxing?
Tonight I decided to take a bubble bath. I am on a new kick to take better care of myself and cut down on my stress..blah, blah, blah. I have never been much of a bath person. Maybe because growing up we […]

Presence Versus Presents
I am so excited for the holidays this year. This will be the first holiday in a very long time where all the madness of my previous relationship will not be a factor. I know that it will be different, but sometimes […]

Strong Southern Women
I am very blessed to have been raised and continue to be mentored by a large group of strong willed, intelligent and funny women. Growing up I lived on our family farm with my parents, grandparents and great grandparents living on the […]
For the past few months I have been dating a wonderful man. He is smart , funny, handsome, loves his kids and his family and we have so much in common that it is scary. Our relationship has been going great and […]