Be Careful What You Wish For….
Last night I went to say good night to my son Michael and he was in bed sleeping. While I was glad he was in bed at a reasonable hour I was also a little sad that we didn’t say good night […]

Expert Parenting With No Kids
Ten years ago I received one of the greatest gifts imaginable. My brother and his wife finally had a child. Being ahead of him in the kids department, I had an eight year old and a four year old. I was the […]

Surprise! Surprise! Surprise!
Last night my daughter Ashley decided to come home a day early and surprise me. It was a great surprise and I was very happy to see her. The only problem was that several of her Christmas presents were out on the […]

Thanksgiving is fast approaching and everyone on Facebook has been stating what they are thankful for. I have so many blessing in my life that I thought I would just pick one today and blog about it. I am so thankful for […]

Home Office Organization
Today I will attempt with the help of a very patient (I hope) man to organize my home office. I did all the fun stuff like purchasing new furniture and accessories, now comes the part that makes me crazy. I am not […]

Thrifty Decor Chick Addiction
I have become addicted to a blog called Thrifty Decor Chick. It is chocked full of lots of “I found this for a dollar and turned it into a gorgeous piece of furniture” type stuff. I can’t stop reading it or collecting […]

Dear Nike, Thank you for making the life of this weary mom a little more difficult by distinguishing your new socks by putting a R and an L on them. You see, the bane of every moms existence is the basket of unmatched socks. […]

Thank You Nike
Dear Nike, Thank you for making the life of this weary mom a little more difficult by distinguishing your new socks by putting a R and an L on them. You see, the bane of every moms existence is the basket of unmatched […]

Spoiled Or Well Taken Care Of….
It is the consensus of those around me that there is a chance that my children might be just a tad spoiled. O.K. the consensus is that they are totally spoiled. I don’t like to think of them as spoiled, I prefer […]
Every year we all do a “what we are thankful for ” list . This year I thought I would put a different spin on it and list a few things that I am not thankful for, just for fun. I am […]