My Angels
A very dear friend of mine is losing her dad to cancer. Unfortunately, for me this is a scenario that is very familiar and still very fresh in my memory. I have wracked my brain trying to think of a way to make […]

Lindsay Lohan Needs To Be Slapped….HARD!
My Uncle Buddy used to always start his unsolicitied parenting advice with the phrase ” if that was a kid of mine…” and would follow it with his words of wisdom. Well to borrow a phrase from Uncle Buddy, “If Lindasy Lohan […]

MOJO Is Killing Me!
Every morning on the way to school my son and I listen to the MOJO in the Morning Show. It’s a tradition in my family. Ashley and I listened to it while driving to school and now it’s Michael’s turn. Usually it is a […]

Open Mouth, Insert Foot
Ever say something and wish you hadn’t? Even wanted to the floor to open so you could crawl inside? Well it happened to me today at work. I was sitting in the rehab gym with a patient when a very handsome younger […]

Designated Driver Confusion
Recently the former Miss USA Rima Fakih was arrested for driving under the influence. She was allegedly speeding and weaving through traffic with an uncorked, half-empty bottle of champagne and a blood-alcohol level more than twice the legal limit when she was arrested in the Detroit. […]

OMG Mom! Do You Have Cancer?
Yesterday I became overwhelmed with love and pride for my daughter Ashley. As a result of my flurry of warm and fuzzy emotions, I thought I would take the opportunity to write her a note. This is her first year away from home and […]

Automated Answer Man Why Do You Torture Me?
This week I have to call the cable company. I would rather have a root canal. First I know I am going to get that annoyingly friendly sounding automated man. He sounds very cheerful which surprises me because I am quite certain […]

iPhone Follies
I would like to apologize to all the friends and family I have sent a text to that is completely unreadable. I love my new iPhone but if I don’t have my glasses on sometimes my brain just fills in the blanks of what […]

We Don’t Have A Magic Sink
Along with the laundry elf and the self propelling vacuum cleaner, my children must also think we have a magic sink. I say this because they randomly dump bowls of cereal, half empty ice cream cartons and anything else they don’t want to finish […]
This time of year the number one thing on my list of things to do is to get an assistant. Not that I in any way professionally need one but personally I need a small staff. If I just had someone I […]