Fifty Shades of Grey
I was listening to a group of ladies talking a few weeks ago about a book they were reading and I mentioned to them that I had heard it mentioned on the Today Show. One of them piped up and said “Oh, […]

Farewell Encyclopedias
I was saddened to read today that they will discontinue publishing the hard copy of the Encyclopedia Britannica. It is still a vivid memory for me when the encyclopedia salesman came to our house. It was in the evening and he was there […]

Half Way House Needed
I recently received a shock to my system. I returned from a Caribbean vacation paradise to the real world. I am not as big a fan of the real world as I am of vacation and am most likely not alone in […]
Overweight? What Else Is New?
My Caribbean vacation began one snowy cold morning around 3:15 a..m. For those of you that now me that is early for me to be functional and upright. However since I was leaving the cold for a warm sandy beach with my […]

Parents on Vacation?
Last week my boyfriend and I took a cruise to the Caribbean. We could not have been more excited to get away from it all and just be together. Between us we have four teenagers. They are all extremely busy and we are all […]

I Miss Snow Days
I miss snow days. I miss the times when the kids would run into my room and snuggle up with me while we watched the school closings scroll across the screen. When our school would finally appear that would be squeals of […]

Fluent in Drive Thru
Please, please , please could someone explain to me why the managers of fast food restaurants put people at the drive thru window that can not SPEAK ENGLISH! This is one of life’s greatest mysteries.I don’t understand why when I ask for a straw […]

Trash Talk
My 15 year old son has one job in our household. He is responsible for the taking out the trash. We have lived in the same house for eight years. Our trash day has always been Friday. Therefore, every Thursday night the […]

Bra Shopping a.k.a The Day From Hell
The only thing worse than bathing suit shopping is bra shopping. Bathing suits are worse because you have to be presentable to the masses. If you lucky you and your guy are the only ones subjected to your bra purchases. Today I […]
I don’t trust anyone that voluntarily gets up before seven in the morning. I just don’t. I assume anyone up that early is up to no good. I am not nor have I ever been a morning person. Rise and shine only […]