Netflix Is Not An Emergency
For as long as I can remember I have tried to explain to my children the definition of a real emergency. A real emergency doesn’t involve an empty cereal box, anything that has to do with the phrase “I had it first” […]

Apology to Claire
Dear Claire: We judged you and for that we apologize. In second grade when Clark came to school and said he had no breakfast because he didn’t make himself any, we judged you. Who makes a second grader make their own breakfast? […]

News Teasers
Yesterday as I was watching television I was informed that something I was feeding my family for dinner could be deadly. Of course they didn’t tell me what it was just that it was really horrendous and I should tune in at […]

Heartaches and Boo Boos
There comes a time in every parents life when they realize that heartaches aren’t like boo boos and we can’t kiss them and make them go away. When they are little and hurting all you need is lots of hugs and kisses […]

Saving Teenage Style
I am extremely worried about our education system. I fear my children are not getting an adequate education when it comes to basic vocabulary. The reason for my concern is that they don’t seem to understand what the word “save” truly means. […]

Hotter Than The Hinges Of Hell
I have never been a fan of heat. I am a 72 degrees sit in the shade sipping a drink kind of girl. Growing up in the South I spent my summers hiding out inside with a book until the leaves started […]

Ambien Ambush
Being a middle aged woman knee deep in the wonderful world of peri-menopause I often find myself having great difficulty sleeping. It has always been difficult to turn my mind off and slip into a peaceful slumber but now it is even […]

Trash Can Jenga
My kids don’t play board games much anymore but they do find ways to play games to keep themselves entertained. These games are called “Get On Mama’s Very Last Nerve”. The first game they love to play just to watch me lose […]

Homeowner With A Renters Mentality
I am a homeowner with a renters mentality. The only thing I want to worry about when it comes to my home other than decorating is whether or not the battery in the garage door opener is working. I want to be […]
I arrived home recently to find my house empty and did not know the whereabouts of my teenage son. The rule at my house is if you leave while I am at work you have to text me. If you leave where […]