Category: Kim’s Crazy Blog
A squirrel and four nuts…..
When I was little my family lived on a farm. Our house was technically in the middle of a soybean field. It was a four room ( not four bedroom…) house built by grandfather. We lived very simply. Our idea our interior […]
Those annoying police….
Yesterday I was in a nail salon getting my nails done when I noticed three very attractive young girls in their early twenties come in and sit down for mani/pedis. They started talking and of course having nothing better to do than […]
The Poop Predicament
When you have children..especially the first one…you can only imagine how special and wonderful it is going to be. All the snuggling , reading books, baking amazing Martha Stewart like Christmas cookies and just being dazzled by the brilliance of your genetic […]
"You don’t smell like Michael"
Had a great Halloween with the kids…Ashley went to a bonfire and then came back to the house with friends and played poker for candy. If you thought the tension was high between grown me playing for money, you should have seen […]
Thank God I don’t have a uterus…
because I fear I would attempt to use it. If you had told me that I would be falling in love with babies at this point in my life I would have told you that you were certifiably insane. I have long […]
Helicopter parents …listen up!!
Tonight we attended Michael’s curriculum night at Walnut Creek Middle School. It was the typical introduction of teachers, course descriptions and classroom guidelines. I love that they have these so you can put a face with a name and you know exactly […]
Everybody is somebody’s baby….
Last night on the news there was a story about a nineteen year old “kid” that burglarized a home. Now if you watch the Detroit news you know that murder usually makes the headlines not burglary. This was no run of the […]
Gray hair alert
Yesterday at work co-worker commented that she this was the first time she had ever seen gray in my hair..I laughed and told her it was because I was working so much that I didn’t have time to get my hair done. […]
One thing they don’t tell you when you are giving birth to your first child is that this is the last guilt free day of your life. I am convinced that along with the saline in that IV there is also a […]