Category: Kim’s Crazy Blog

Evaluating and Eliminating…
Going through a divorce makes you think about everything in your life that might not be as you wish it were. When you look back and realize that for longer than you care to admit you have been putting the needs of […]

Pantry Fraud
Interested in building a clubhouse out of empty boxes? If so , my pantry is the place to go. Don’t be fooled as I was into thinking those bright, colorful tempting boxes were filled with food. Oh no! they are all empty! […]

The Oscars
I love the Oscars. It is a tradition in our household for my daughter and I to watch together so we can critique the outfits and the hair styles. I just love to whole idea of dressing up and I don’t think […]

I Missed You…Where Are You Going?
Last night my son Michael returned from visiting my brother in Nebraska. I was very excited because he was coming home a day early and I had missed him terribly. The house was just too quiet without him and his sidekick Zach. […]

Talking To Teenagers….
Over the past five years I have come to realize that teenagers require a different set of communication rules. With everyone else in my life I have the ability to have a conversation. I say what I would like to say and […]

It’s Not Magic, It’s MOM!!
Now that my children are teenagers we are well past the ages of believing in Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny. All the baby teeth are gone so the Tooth Fairy is no longer an option. However there is still one mystical […]

Mediation, Meditation, Medication?
Next week I start the portion of the divorce process where we are appointed a mediator. This is a random person that knows neither of us that is going to help us come to an agreement on how we are going to […]

My New Favorite Mantra
My PURPOSE is to SERVEwhat I can, where I can. My BUSINESS is to INSPIRE& my PASSION is to CREATE. My LIFE is to SHAREwith those I LOVE & thosewho LOVE me. My DREAM is to make a difference & myREALITY is […]

Bristol Palins Memoirs
Somebody please help me understand why any editor would feel the need to publish the memoirs of Bristol Palin. I am so frustrated with her being given fame and fortune for having sex with her high school boyfriend and getting pregnant. I […]
Every year at about this time I start having flip-flop withdrawal. I go for a pedicure and pick the wildest color I can find and I count down the days until I can put on my pink flip-flops and enjoy the sunshine. […]