Category: Kim’s Crazy Blog

Countdowns and Meltdowns….
My daughter leaves for college in five days. Five days. She is counting down the days until she is able to enjoy the sweet taste of freedom and I am counting my emergency Xanax to see how long before I completely fall apart. […]

Shoes By The Back Door
Every day when I come home from work I glance around to see how many extra kids I have. I can quickly assess the situation by the number of shoes by the back door that don’t belong to anyone in our household. […]

The Hips Don’t Lie
Last night for the first time in a very long time I had the house all to myself. I cranked my Ipod and tried to get through as many songs as I could while I did laundry. I will admit that me […]

Mrs.Eller Goes to Washington- Final Chapter
My TV Debut < Click on this link to see me on TV!Read more: I was still a bit fuzzy about how I ended up in Washington when the alarm went off at 5:45 a.m. Thursday morning. Those of you that know […]

After conquering the cupcake wars of Washington, Ashley and I settled into our room at the Georgetown Inn. Lovely room with a lovely view of all kinds of shops to explore. Just seeing the Lacoste sign made me giddy. Some people like […]

Mrs. Eller Goes To Washington – Part Two
Ashley and I finally arrived in the nations’ capitol. It was a perfect uneventful drive. When I say uneventful I mean the Pennsylvania Turnpike is the most boring stretch of highway I have ever encountered. I understand now why the Amish population […]

Mrs. Eller goes to Washington
Sunday night I was browsing Facebook when I noticed a post on the Glamour Belles page. Glamour Belles is a new reality show on Lifetime that takes place in formal wear shop in a little town in Tennessee. The kids and I […]

It Is Just Stuff….
At least that is what I keep telling myself. My divorce has finally come to an end and my husband will be moving out in a few days. After a very emotional ten months of back and forth and lawyers and court […]
Last week when I was in the doctors office I decided just for fun to weigh my purse. It came in at a whopping twelve pounds. Now if it was a baby that would be an acceptable weight but for a purse […]