Category: Kim’s Crazy Blog

At Home Crisis Liaison
I am very pleased to announce that Jennifer Ladd has been chosen as my At Home Crisis Liaison. This position is very important and I felt with her organizational skills and attention to detail that Jennifer was a perfect fit. The responsibilities of […]

Plug Puller Position Filled
Please note that I plan on living forever, but wanted to have my ducks in a row just in case. It’s like will but funnier….. I am very pleased to announce that my best friend Tara Lagestee has been appointed Official Plug […]

Back In School And Breaking Rules!
Last night I attended curriculum night at my son’s school. I don’t like curriculum nights. They involve a lot of running from one side of the school to another, sitting in classrooms that are stuffy and collecting handouts that I feel compelled […]

Tools, Tears and Tackle Boxes
Today I did something that I had been putting off for a very long time. I went through my dad’s work shop. Since he died almost three years ago I had not been able to set foot in there for fear of […]

500 Straws
This weekend I was at CVS picking up a few things and I noticed they had a summer clearance section. As I glanced around at the items I saw two packages that each contained 250 bright colored straws. Now at our house […]

Apathy After 9/11
Ten years we sat and watched to majestic Twin Towers fall and as they did our innocence as a nation crumbled as well. We can all remember where we were when we heard the news. It is a defining moment for our […]

Drivers Education..I Need Medication!
Michael just did something that only a cold heartless teenager would do. He came upstairs and dropped the drivers education registration form on my bed. Doesn’t he know that the thought of him entering the world of roundabouts and screaming sirens will […]

Good Bye Borders
For as long as I can remember my children and I have loved the store, Borders. When the kids were little I told them that I would limit toys but would always buy books. It didn’t take me long to realize that […]

Two Horn Option
I think every new car should come with a two horn option. One horn would be the standard blaring one that all cars are equipped with currently. You know the one that scares the crap out of you when you are stopped […]
Fourteen years ago I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy and this weekend he put on a suit and broke my heart. I didn’t see it coming but when I watched Michael looking so handsome in his suit with a beautiful […]